Giant Mantis Shrimp and Giant Displacer Mantis Shrimp – 2 Ridiculous Stat blocks for D&D 5e

I don’t know why I randomly decided to do this. It isn’t like anyone was asking for this. But Heck I did it, and now you all will suffer for my creativity. I introduce to you all 2 ridiculous monsters for D&D 5e: The Giant Mantis Shrimp and the Giant Displacer Mantis Shrimp! Why? Because chaos. Now DM’s can feel free to torment their players with giant colorful rocket shrimp. And I know you might be wondering, “Why a Giant Displacer Mantis Shrimp.” To that I say: A.) “Why not?” B.) “A Wizard did it.” C.) “More Chaos.” or D.) “That is not for me to decide.”

Anyway, because apparently I chose violence and chaos, here you go…


Now I know these aren’t too OP, but do they really need to exist? I don’t think so. Should my player’s expect them at some point? Probably. Should your player’s expect them at some point? Gosh, I freaking hope so. Enjoy!

File:Mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus).jpg

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